SV651 is an Industrial class & highly-integrated RF module. TTL / 232 /485 can be chosen corresponding to SV651-TTL / SV651-232 / SV651-485. SV651 has good sensitivity and 500mW output power to achieve long RF range and reliable RF communication. To avoid the interference, SV651 provides 40 frequency channels and configurable Net ID. SV651 is flexible but easy to use , it comes with many parameters, such as: frequency, data rate, output power, Net ID, Node ID. Users can configure the parameters through PC or customer’s own device.
SV651 strictly uses lead-free process for production and testing, and meets RoHS and Reach standards.
Connected to the positive power supply (typical 5V)
Connected to ground
TXD of the module and connect to external RXD
RXD of the module and connect to external TXD
Configuration mode enable (low to enter into the setting mode, leave open or connect high level to exit setting mode) Valid when CS Pin is high or leave open.
For the default version of the module, this pin needs to be left floating (the module has a built-in anti-crash self-reset circuit) Note: Customers can customize the sleep version of the program (without self-reset function), low level sleep, current lower than 5uA, default high level output.
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