The method of wireless switch module SK100 configuration parameters

By sdga:NiceRF Wireless Technology Co., Ltd

The wireless switch module SK100 series consists of a transmitter module and a receiver module. The power of the transmitter module is optional (100mW~5W), and the transmission distance is related to the selected transmitter power. To facilitate customers to quickly get started and use the module, the following article introduces the method of configuring the parameters of the wireless switch module SK100 series.

wireless switch module SK100

The appearance of the wireless switch module SK100-RX (receiver) and SK100-TX-100mW (transmitter)


How to configure parameters of wireless switch module SK100

1. Install the USB driver and PC configuration software (you can download it from the official website of NiceRF: Industrial One Way Wireless Switch Module SK100).

2. Connect the module and the level adapter board of the corresponding interface through a dedicated 6PIN terminal line.

3. Insert the level adapter board into the USB port of the computer to connect to the PC end.

4. At this time, the module switches to configuration mode (short-circuit the short-circuit cap to enter the configuration mode, and remove the short-circuit cap to enter the communication mode).

wireless switch module SK100-TX, SK100-RX to configuration mode

5. Open the PC configuration software and select the correct COM port (you can right-click the computer-Device Manager-Port (COM and LPT) to view the COM port), as shown in the figure below:

PC software setting of wireless switch module SK100

6. The relevant internal parameters of the module can be read or modified through the PC interface, including network ID, RF rate, communication channel, etc. The wireless parameters of the modules need to be set consistently before they can communicate with each other.

Note: When the module is connected, CS and VCC are connected for switch control, and VCC and GND are connected for power supply.


The SK100 series need to configure the same parameters of the receiver module (SK100-RX) and transmitter module (SK100-TX) to communicate. If the customer purchases a lot of paired SK100 series products, please pay attention to the frequency and channel settings not to be repeated. The above is the method of configuring the parameters of the SK100 series single-channel wireless switch module. If you have any questions in the process of configuring the parameters, you can consult our technical staff of NiceRF.

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