Type: LoRa Front-End Modules
Certification: FCC ID
Modulation: LoRa
Chip: LLCC68
Interface: SPI
Output Power: 160mW
Frequency: 915MHz
Size (mm):16*16
★Note: The default shipping module uses 10ppm Industrial crystal oscillator, the TCXO crystal oscillator is optional for special requirement:
Parameter | Min. | Typ. | Max. | Unit | Condition |
Operation Condition | |||||
Working voltage | 1.8 | 3.3 | 3.7 | V | |
Temperature range | -40 | 25 | 85 | ℃ | |
Current Consumption | |||||
RX current | < 5 | mA | @10ppm crystal oscillator | ||
< 6.5 | mA | @TCXO crystal | |||
TX current | < 130 | mA | @868MHz @915MHz | ||
< 110 | mA | @433MHz @490MHz | |||
Sleep current | 1.9 | uA | OFF mode (SLEEP mode with cold start) All blocks off | ||
2.3 | uA | SLEEP mode (SLEEP mode with warm start) Configuration retained | |||
2.9 | uA | SLEEP mode (SLEEP mode with warm start) Configuration retained + RC64k | |||
0.56 | mA | STDBY_RC mode,RC13M, XOSC OFF | |||
2.35 | mA | STDBY_XOSC mode,XOSC ON | |||
RF Parameter | |||||
Frequency range | 400 | 433 | 450 | MHz | @433MHz |
470 | 490 | 510 | MHz | @490MHz | |
848 | 868 | 888 | MHz | @868MHz | |
900 | 915 | 940 | MHz | @915MHz | |
Output power | -15 | 22 | dBm | ||
Receiving sensitivity | -129 | dBm | @LoRa BW=250KHz_SF = 10_CR=4/5 |
Pin NO. | Pin name | Description |
1 | GND | power ground |
2 | MISO | SPI Output |
3 | MOSI | SPI Input |
4 | SCK | Serial clock |
5 | NSS | SPI enable |
6 | NRESET | Reset input |
7、12、14 | NC | Empty |
8 | GND | Power ground |
9 | ANT | Connect with 50 ohm antenna |
10 | GND | Power ground |
11 | DIO3 | Can be customized as interrupt signal indication, details in chip datasheet (Note: output to control TCXO when TCXO crystal is used ) |
13 | VCC | Power supply(default 3.3V) |
15 | DIO1 | Can be customized as interrupt signal indication, details in chip datasheet |
16 | BUSY | Used for status indication, see datasheet for details |
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